Commercial Access Control Systems
The security of people, information, and resources are top priorities in business!
Inside of every commercial building, there are trade secrets, property, and employees that need safeguarding. That’s where commercial access control systems come into play. Electronic access control systems, like keyless entry systems, are vital to protecting the things that are important to every business. These protections go beyond keeping people from the outside coming in. Within the building, there are areas that will benefit from having commercial access control systems. File rooms, server rooms, and inventory rooms that house expensive products and confidential information all need an extra layer of security protecting them, such as electronic door entry systems that require a higher level of clearance for entry. Having commercial access controls in your facility brings with it many benefits!
High Visibility
For companies of all sizes, knowing who is coming and going is important for audit trail purposes. Keyless door entry systems allow for greater visibility of employee movement. At each point of entry, a record is kept of who scanned in, the date, and the time. Having an audit trail with in-depth reporting capability maintains accountability in the event of theft, accidents, or missing employees. It’s unfortunate, but some companies have high-value inventory that individuals might be tempted to steal. Keeping track of movement helps deter such activity.
Easy Identification
Large facilities with lots of employees must keep unauthorized people out while letting their employees in—fortunately, electronic card access systems do just that. Commercial access control systems keep out those who don’t belong. The use of electronic credentials, or keycards, can also act as an identification badge. Employee names and photos can be applied to their keycard and worn externally, making them easily identifiable as a company employee.
No More Tracking of Keys
Keys aren’t handed out to everyone at a facility, but enough people have them that key tracking becomes an issue. When employees leave a company or students graduate from school, the keys must be collected or every lock must be rekeyed. Keys may also be accidentally lost; then, the building owner is faced with either rekeying locks or cutting new keys, both of which cost money, especially in hospitals and universities. With commercial keyless door entry systems that utilize secure card credentials or mobile credentials, building owners can simply cancel the employee’s or student’s access to the system or issue a new key fob or credential.
Contact Us For A Quote
Regardless of the size of your project, Kelley Bros can help. From a one door opening to large scale projects, our team can design, install and provide technical support of a server-based or cloud-based electronic access control system to increase the safety and security of your facility. Reach out with your needs and we will provide the best possible solution for your budget.
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